updated 4/13/24
Everpower in Allegany
In 2009, Everpower Wind Holdings came to the Town of Allegany, New York in Cattaraugus County with a proposal to site 500-foot tall wind turbines (maximum blade tip height) along a ridge extending from the Hamlet of Chipmonk to the area of Nine Mile Road and Rock City to the east. The project went through a rocky review that turned sour for the developer when it was learned that Everpower had failed to disclose the location of a permanent resident within the project site. At this location the company could not comply with liberal noise standards it had successfully urged the Town to adopt. When asked to model the noise impacts at that location in 2012, Everpower sued the Town and lost.
During the same period, Everpower succeeded in obtaining local approval for a wind project in the Town of Howard (Steuben Co.). At that time, approvals for siting large-scale renewables were governed by the State Environmental Quality Review Act and local laws, and town boards or planning boards were the lead agency.
Background (Concerned Citizens of Cattaraugus County website)
Exhibit C (revised December 2011 Escrow Agreement)
CCCC comments and technical submissions:
(January 9, 2013)
(September 12, 2011)

prior to a vote to approve wind facility overlay zoning)

local wind law) (3.7 MB)
R. James and D. Hessler acoustic opinions in Buckeye wind farm case, Champaign County, Ohio)